Spending Review and Budget Submission

The Law Family Commission on Civil Society is an ongoing endeavour to consider the most effective ways in which the potential of the UK’s civil society can be unleashed to deliver more on every front. Given the importance of the upcoming Spending Review and Budget, we have identified five key areas drawn from the initial priorities of the Commission – areas in which we believe government action could strengthen the social sector’s foundations. The recommendations in our submission require only very modest amounts of spending to support the social sector to create more jobs, provide better opportunities and deliver greater outcomes in our communities.

  1. Boosting sector productivity.
  2. Increasing the level of UK philanthropic giving.
  3. Investing in better data for better outcomes.
  4. Incorporating wellbeing measurement into levelling up to focus action on what makes the most difference to people’s lives.
  5. Building a stronger relationship between government and the sector to improve policy, delivery and value for money.

Read our full submission and recommendations to the Chancellor below.