Inclusive localism: communities’ place in a globalised world

Professor Raghuram Rajan

Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

A south asian man wearing a suit, looking directly at the camera

Inclusive localism: communities’ place in a globalised world

Much of the disillusionment displayed by those living in ‘left behind’ parts of advanced economies is directed towards the process of globalisation. But the answer lies not in retreating to...

Professor Raghuram Rajan - Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

A man

The importance of reciprocity in gluing society back together

Throughout the world and over decades, putting communities at the heart of policymaking has faced challenges. Learning from the past is essential as we look to reinforce and develop the...

Rt Hon Professor the Lord David Blunkett - Professor of Politics in Practice, University of Sheffield

a black man wearing a suit, standing in front of some trees

The power and potential of places

When local government puts civil society at the heart of what they do, it brings democracy closer to the people. If powers and finance are devolved effectively, local government can...

Marvin Rees - Mayor of Bristol

A photo of a woman with blonde hair standing against a black background

Business is back in the community

Business plays a crucial role in supporting communities and delivering social good, and they have done in various ways for centuries. Covid has emphasised just how essential they can be,...

Amanda Mackenzie OBE - CEO, Business in the Community

A woman with brown hair wearing a blue suit, standing against a yellow background

Civil society and business: a two-way street

Too often, the discussion around businesses’ relationship with civil society suggests it is a one-way street. But in reality, the relationships goes two-ways. From accessing local insight to exchanging expertise,...

Heidi Mottram CBE - CEO, Northumbrian Water Group

Two women with dark hair. One is wearing glasses

Imagining better: prioritising people and planet over growth

Government misunderstands civil society as something that takes more than it gives. Empowering civil society requires understanding it as a set of relationships – between people, places and sectors –...

Vicky Browning & Kristiana Wrixon - CEO & Head of Policy, ACEVO

A woman with straight blonde hair

The ‘dugnad’ spirit: valuing the invaluable

Too often, businesses take civil society and the value it brings to them for granted, making it hard to work together. Companies and investors could learn much about the true...

Marte Borhaug - Global Head of Sustainable Outcomes, Aviva Investors

A man wearing a black suit, in front of a red background

From ‘sectors’ to ‘system’: partnership working and civil society’s role in tackling inequality

Civil society is at the heart of Greater Manchester’s response to Covid, reflecting the approach to governance that the city-region has developed over recent years. Further collaboration and a devolved...

Rt Hon Andy Burnham - Mayor of Greater Manchester