Commission says ‘charity sector is crucial to UK recovery and growth’
After two years of research, the Law Family Commission on Civil Society has published its landmark final report.
After two years of research, the Law Family Commission on Civil Society has published its landmark final report.
New research has identified a raft of changes and initiatives required to drive up productivity in the sector.
Regulator should play more active role alongside infrastructure bodies, report says.
New PBE research for the Law Family Commission on Civil Society calls on the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to mandate training on philanthropy for financial advisors and pursue regulation.
Commission reiterates call for government to encourage charitable giving
New research reveals significant pay gap for men and more highly qualified workers
Commission calls on funders to fix inefficient application processes
A report that focuses on the benefits of boosting the collaboration between Whitehall and the philanthropy sector.
A new PBE study for the Law Family Commission on Civil Society has made a raft of recommendations on how to enhance the relationships between charities and policymakers.
The latest study for the Law Family Commission on Civil Society looks at the state of philanthropy in the UK, with a particular focus on giving from the top 1%...
Commission finds 60% believe demand on key staff will increase over winter
Commission report says community investment is key to success of flagship policy
Commission raises concerns about invisibility of charities in data and calls for cross-sector action
Government encouraged to focus on five key areas, including data and philanthropy